Cathryn Robinson
PO Box 1994, Niceville, FL, 32588
A Bit About Me
Hello there! My name is Cathryn and I am an undergraduate student studying Applied Physiology and Kinesiology at UF. In the future I hope to be a doctor that focuses on serving underserved and represented populations locally and globally. I am currently a research assistant employed by the university. My research focuses on providing meal kits to low income families in the Gainesville area. I love being a part of this project because I feel that I can really impact those who do not have access to healthy food options. I also feel that it humbles me and allows me to see that not everyone has the basic necessities for adequate growth and development, especially minorities. This is a problem locally and internationally. This is part of what sparked my interest to learn about other countries and cultures.
I love learning about people from other cultures and enjoy hearing them tell me about their culture. Due to the pandemic, school obligations, and personal finances, I am not able to travel overseas. Fortunately, my university has provided me with a multitude of ways for me to learn about different cultures. Please go through my eportfolio to discover my experiences!