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Developmental Psychology

DEP3053 - A cultural spin on studying the human mind!


During my first year of undergrad, I coincidentally ended up taking a developmental psychology course by chance. This course, taught by Dr. Klimenko, an international faculty member, taught me about the basics and foundation of psychology at multiple developmental stages. Some of the topics she covered included lifespan development, the importance of culture in human development, theories of cognitive growth, moral and social development, and more. Throughout the course, she often pulled resources from international scholars and referenced a multitude of studies that were conducted in different countries. I found the results of the studies to be quite interesting as it showed that no matter which country or ethnic group you were born into, we all display very similar, and oftentimes the same, developmental characteristics. We all have similar reactions to certain stimuli, because at our core we are all human. The scientific studies she showed us also presented varying topics in developmental psychology that many american researchers might not have touched on or even thought about. This course expanded my horizons and broadened my depth, as well as breadth of knowledge in not only developmental psychology, but in the world as a whole.

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